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The black shirt with a twist
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16 Oct

ALISIA ENCO story in Startup Valley magazine

The world is full of inspiring women and we need to learn from them. We hope to be a great influence in advancing women’s economic empowerment through our founder and creative mind of the brand ALISIA ENCO. My name is Alice Botnarenco and I describe myself rather as an entrepreneurial mind and a passionate creative heart. My entrepreneurial journey started from a young age. At 23 my first business was a rent-a-car company pretty much linked to my desire of independence rather than to a calling. Ten years ago, I founded “Women in Business”, a non-profit association with the goal to create a network of women entrepreneurs and managers in the C-suite that would share experiences, insights and support each other.  Five years...
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1 Feb

Coffee break cu Mihaela Frunza

camasa alba hora fetelor
Ne bucuram foarte mult atunci cand vedem doamne din mediul de afaceri romanesc care aleg sa poarte produsele noastre ALISIA ENCO. Astazi am stat de vorba cu doamna Mihaela Frunza, medic la Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta din Sibiu si psihoterapeut pentru a ne impartasi din experienta ei de viata si a ne inspira prin tinuta de business. ALISIA ENCO: Visul dvs. din copilarie a fost sa deveniti medic, si ati devenit, dar intre timp viata v-a dus catre un alt nou drum. Cand v-ati dat seama ca va doriti altceva? In urma cu aproape 20 de ani, am avut un obicei la  care vroiam să renunț. Fumam foarte mult și deja aveam simptome care ma deranjau. Am început să caut motivele...
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7 Dec

Entrepreneurial journey – Now versus then

Now things are much easier than they were years ago when I started my first business - the car rental company. Back then, I didn't know what an online store even meant. But over time, I have learned what it takes to develop continuously. I grew, I failed, I got up, and learned a lot on the go. I'm still learning. I discover new things daily, and I'm a firm believer that learning process should never stop. I launched my brand ALISIA ENCO in 2014 as an online boutique where you can stop and buy your favourite shirt when you have some free time. I'm laughing now, because I remember orders that came on our website at midnight. And I understand completely, especially now that I became...
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25 Sep

Love what you do, or give up!

As you know, I’ve been an entrepreneur for 14 years already. I started my ALISIA ENCO journey in 2014 as a challenge to traditional business outfits for women. Built around an iconic element, the shirt, the ALISIA ENCO brand is an invitation and inspiration to women. My message to the ladies is short and clear: don’t accept stereotypes and dull outfits, don’t hide your true personality even in the most conformist of environments and dare to express your need for colors, textures, crafting and amazing fabrics. Your choices are who you are. And clothes are no exception. Shortly put, it’s about freedom, self-expression and new perspectives. This is what life is made of. I learned on my own that to succeed in life you need to embrace everything with style, attitude, good...
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28 Oct

Dare to join the adventure

About what it takes to be a woman entrepreneur, are many things to say, probably lots more when you want to talk about the decision of entering a niche you know little about. ALISIA ENCO was founded by a woman entrepreneur – Alice Botnarenco, owner and creative mind as well and inspired by all the ladies who strongly believes that uniform and clichés are not the key to professionalism. When we decided to begin with this brand, we started with the confidence that if you follow the right dream, nothing is impossible. What we’ve learnt from then till now? What we think is the starting point that drives to success all the women we get our inspiration from? First of all, the road...
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15 Oct

What’s the cotton shirt’s label telling you?

We believe that any business woman has at least a cotton shirt in her closet. As for paying attention to the little and obscure symbols on its label…We don’t believe many of us do. We often think that we can ignore the labels or, even worse, just cut them as soon we unwrap our new shirt, based on the common belief they may be uncomfortable or plain bad looking. That’s why we end up washing all our clothes in the same way or just in any way possible. A few days earlier, enjoying a coffee with one of our friends, we found out that she had ruined her recently bought shirt. She didn't read the information on the label and the...
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