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The black shirt with a twist
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A new must have from ALISIA ENCO
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22 Oct

Alice Botnarenco part of the UN Women’s Industry Disruptor

UN Women’s Industry Disruptor is a unique incubator and mentorship program for a more sustainable fashion industry powered by UN Women, WeEmpower Asia and The Do School and we are thrilled to have our founder, Alice Botnarenco accepted to be part of it. UN Women's Industry Disruptor is the opportunity to learn from leading industry experts, scale your solutions sustainably, access international supply chains and be part of a global network committed to gender equity and social change.  The Do School is a global organization powered by a community of purposeful DOers, innovators, and experts from 100+ countries. https://thedoschool.com/ UN Women - The UN entity for gender equality & the empowerment of women & girls. https://www.unwomen.org/en ...
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16 Oct

ALISIA ENCO story in Startup Valley magazine

The world is full of inspiring women and we need to learn from them. We hope to be a great influence in advancing women’s economic empowerment through our founder and creative mind of the brand ALISIA ENCO. My name is Alice Botnarenco and I describe myself rather as an entrepreneurial mind and a passionate creative heart. My entrepreneurial journey started from a young age. At 23 my first business was a rent-a-car company pretty much linked to my desire of independence rather than to a calling. Ten years ago, I founded “Women in Business”, a non-profit association with the goal to create a network of women entrepreneurs and managers in the C-suite that would share experiences, insights and support each other.  Five years...
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7 Dec

Entrepreneurial journey – Now versus then

Now things are much easier than they were years ago when I started my first business - the car rental company. Back then, I didn't know what an online store even meant. But over time, I have learned what it takes to develop continuously. I grew, I failed, I got up, and learned a lot on the go. I'm still learning. I discover new things daily, and I'm a firm believer that learning process should never stop. I launched my brand ALISIA ENCO in 2014 as an online boutique where you can stop and buy your favourite shirt when you have some free time. I'm laughing now, because I remember orders that came on our website at midnight. And I understand completely, especially now that I became...
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7 Oct

Povestea brandului de camasi in Ziarul Financiar

Alice Botnarenco spune că a avut de mică sprit de întreprinzător, astfel că la numai 23 de ani a fondat o firmă de închirieri maşini, după ce a lucrat pentru scurt timp drept broker la Bursa de Valori din Bucureşti. Ca antreprenor a observat cât de mult conformism este în ţinuta de business, purtată de clienţii săi, în mare parte corporatişti, şi a decis să reinventeze cămaşa clasică. Aşa a apărut în 2014 brandul ALISIA ENCO, prin care antreprenoarea produce şi comercializează îmbrăcăminte cu motive tradiţionale româneşti şi greceşti, după o investiţie iniţială de 20.000 de euro. Citeste mai departe aici: https://www.zf.ro/un-start-up-pe-zi/un-start-up-pe-zi-o-antreprenoare-din-ploiesti-a-facut-rocada-intre-lumea-masinilor-si-lumea-modei-si-asteapta-140-000-de-lei-din-vanzarea-hainelor-cu-motive-traditionale-18420884 ...
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3 Aug

Coffee break with Mirela Tuvene

Coffee break-ul de astazi il savuram impreuna cu o doamna tare draga noua, mandra purtatoare a camasilor ALISIA ENCO. Cel mai probabil ati gustat inghetata sau produsele de cofetarie artizanale pregatite de mainile dibace ale prietenei cu care impartasim cafeaua astazi. Daca nu ati reusit inca, va incurajam sa o faceti caci papilele gustative va vor fi foarte recunoscatoare! Asadar, fara sa prelungim prea mult momentul, in atentia dumneavoastra vi-o prezentam pe doamna Mirela Tuvene, fondator GELAFresh. GELAfresh este o cofetarie-gelaterie, cu laborator propriu, care produce inghetata, prajituri, cozonaci, lemon cake si torturi, la standarde de calitate inalta, folosind o tehnologie moderna si ingrediente naturale, de calitate superioara. In retetele lor regasiti ciocolata fina belgiana, frisca naturala, lapte si oua proaspete, unt, fructe, miere, nuca...
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26 Jul

Alice Botnarenco, speaker at European Commision

WEgate, the online platform dedicated to support women entrepreneurship, run by the European Commission, organised a networking event on Thursday 13 June 2019 in Brussels, Belgium at the Albert Borschette Congress Center from 09h00 to 16h00. The event gathered around 80 women entrepreneurs, support organisations, policymakers and other stakeholders coming from the EU and COSME countries. The aim of the event was to foster and enhance the network of women entrepreneurs at regional, national and international level by sharing good practices, disseminating information and giving visibility to role models. https://wegate.eu/wegate-networking-event Kristin Schreiber, Director for SME Policy, Entrepreneurship and the COSME Programme, European Commission, DG GROW Ulrike Rabmer-Koller, President of SMEunited, Despina Donca and Alice Botnarenco, Henrietta Kvist and Jaana Koskinen shared their entrepreneurial stories. One of the most...
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23 May

Alice Botnarenco in Top 100 Femei de succes

Aseara a avut loc Gala Top 100 Femei de succes din Romania, organizata de revista Capital, gala care a premiat realizarile si povestile inspirationale ale femeilor in diferite domenii. Alice Botnarenco, fondatoarea brandului de camasi ALISIA ENCO a fost nominalizata in cadrul categoriei AFACERI obtinand 470 de puncte pentru realizari si povestea care inspira. De la rent-a-car la business de online fashion Creatoare a brandului de camasi ALISIA ENCO si fondatoarea a comunitatii Femei in Afaceri, Alice Botnarenco este o business woman de succes, luand calea antreprenoriatului inca de la o varsta frageda, cand alte tinere ar fi fost poate mai preocupate de iesit in oras si petrecut timp cu prietenii. Insa aria de activitate a lui Alice Botnarenco este una mult mai larga,...
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1 Mar

ALISIA ENCO te insoteste in toate zborurile TAROM

Am observat mereu la evenimentele de networking aceleasi camasi care nu ieseau din tipare si nu indrazneau nimic in afara unui teritoriu sigur, validat, mai ales in domenii sobre vestimentar precum banking, asigurari, audit, consultanta…Aici mi-a venit ideea ca as putea propune reinventarea camasii de business intr-o cheie noua, cu expresivitate si curaj“ motiveaza Alice Botnarenco decizia de a porni in poate, cea mai draga aventura profesionala a sa. Ne bucuram sa impartasim cu voi vestea ca de luna aceasta, povestea ALISIA ENCO te insoteste in toate zborurile TAROM in revista Insight. Asadar, daca te afli la mii de metri altitudine, ia o pauza de la agitatia cotidiana, citeste interviul, apoi priveste pe geam si imagineaza-ti cum arata...
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19 Feb

Despre visuri mari si determinare

In noul numar din revista Dialog Textil, Alice povesteste cu drag despre inceputuri, despre cum a ajuns sa fie antreprenor in serie, dar si despre curajul cu care intampina fiecare provocare ce ii apare in cale. In plus, in articol veti regasi si cum se construieste in mod sustenabil un brand ce isi propune constant sa iasa din tiparele clasice, sa aduca un strop de creativitate intr-o lume plina de rigori si care, prin fiecare piesa vestimentara creata, reuseste sa redea incredere si independenta purtatoarelor sale. Va invitam sa-l parcurgeti in randurile de mai jos. Cine este Alice Botnarenco și cum ai început să faci afaceri? Sunt antreprenoare de când mă știu. Am trecut cu curaj și dezinhibiții dintr-o afacere...
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13 Jul

A new must have from ALISIA ENCO

t he already famous Romanian motifs on the Traditionale shirts come now under the shape of beautifully crafted accessories. ALISIA ENCO launches, in limited edition, a spectacular collection of statement pieces, inspired from the Romanian values around the Centenary anniversary: a combination of contraries - simplicity and innovation power, minimalist and creativity, delicacy and feminine power altogether. The motifs on the famous “Traditional” shirt collection are now crafted in wood and organic glass, accompanied by a patented closing system with magnets. The creative popular motifs May Flower, Hora Girl and Shamrock are now design objects themselves, timeless must haves, manufactured with delicacy and imagination. The beauty of the collection resides in the contradictions it encapsulates: the delicate glow of the natural...
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