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The black shirt with a twist
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A new must have from ALISIA ENCO
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25 Sep

Love what you do, or give up!

As you know, I’ve been an entrepreneur for 14 years already. I started my ALISIA ENCO journey in 2014 as a challenge to traditional business outfits for women. Built around an iconic element, the shirt, the ALISIA ENCO brand is an invitation and inspiration to women. My message to the ladies is short and clear: don’t accept stereotypes and dull outfits, don’t hide your true personality even in the most conformist of environments and dare to express your need for colors, textures, crafting and amazing fabrics. Your choices are who you are. And clothes are no exception. Shortly put, it’s about freedom, self-expression and new perspectives. This is what life is made of. I learned on my own that to succeed in life you need to embrace everything with style, attitude, good...
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10 Sep

Ghidul camasilor creative pentru femei

Camasile au fost destinate intial exclusiv barbatilor, iar cele mai vechi atestari ale acestor piese vestimentare arata folosirea lor inca din vremea Egiptului Antic. Cu trecerea timpului, camasile au suferit numeroase modificari, fie ale formei, fie ale intrebuintarii sau ale materialului folosit. In Evul Mediu, camasile au fost preluate de catre europeni pentru a fi purtate de catre clasa muncitoare, in contrast cu faptul ca egiptenii le-au destinat regalitatii. Acesta este si momentul in care camasile au inceput sa fie croite si pentru silueta femeilor. Camasile pentru femei pe care le cunoastem astazi sunt o forma extrem de rafinata si adaptata perioadei contemporane, avand in comun cu urmasele lor doar cateva elemente. Initial, camasile au fost preluate de catre femei in mediul business pentru a se situa pe aceeasi treapta cu partenerii domni. Astazi,...
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22 Oct

On-duty essentials

We are heading into a new season. For many of us, this calls for a refresh in some areas of our lives. Autumn is the period of the year when you may want more from yourself: new projects, new outfits, new friends, new challenges, maybe a little (or big) change in your hair color or style and so on. One thing is clear as daylight: fall is the perfect time to reinvent yourself and add a refreshing twist to your appearance. Let’s talk about how you dress up your new mood. When it comes to business outfits, it’s a bit hard to change them because lots of things are pretty clear and it’s a long lasting belief that you have to...
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15 Oct

What’s the cotton shirt’s label telling you?

We believe that any business woman has at least a cotton shirt in her closet. As for paying attention to the little and obscure symbols on its label…We don’t believe many of us do. We often think that we can ignore the labels or, even worse, just cut them as soon we unwrap our new shirt, based on the common belief they may be uncomfortable or plain bad looking. That’s why we end up washing all our clothes in the same way or just in any way possible. A few days earlier, enjoying a coffee with one of our friends, we found out that she had ruined her recently bought shirt. She didn't read the information on the label and the...
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23 Aug

We choose cotton

It all starts in the great cotton fields where the cotton buds are carefully picked up and then processed in order to create the best quality fabrics. Cotton was used for fabrics since prehistoric times, being one of the most used clothing materials. If you don’t know already, there is a large variety of wild cotton species around the world. Most of them are found in Mexico, followed by Australia and Africa. The qualities of this material are well known for those who care about their wardrobe. This popular and natural material is used to create the most beautiful ALISIA ENCO shirts. They are made from 100% natural, high quality cotton fiber and have a superior resistance than the normal cotton, which...
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